Friday, June 18

Friday Flowers

Today is a good day. It’s Friday. I got an early mark for staying back last night. The Man and I are going on a date tonight and I am wearing an outfit full of my favourite things. For those of you that don’t know, I am a grunge baby through and through. So when I saw this floral dress I just had to have it. She has a sister with a big floral print that you saw on Wednesday and still another sister with a similar fine print but in black that will debut on here soon enough. The 4th sister is the black sheep of the family in navy with white polka dots. But I digress.

I just thought of everything that I loved as an angsty 13-17 year old when I got dressed this morning. Floral dress? Check. Slip showing? Check. Army green oversized cardigan? Check. Brown, interesting tights? Check. The brown belt and brogues influence is from more recent years and I’m happy to think that they all work together in perfect harmony somewhat like a hippy commune.

Ideally I would have swapped the tights and brogues out for torn jeans and Doc Martens. It is casual Friday after all. Somehow I don’t think they’re quite ready for it around the office. I put them through a lot as it is.

The floral challenge ends today. I’ve worn floral every work day this week and I still have a bunch left over. It got me thinking about challenges though. It’s been fun and Boozeman and I have been throwing ideas around for the next one. So far I’m thinking either “Things Mum Used to Wear” or “Things I Wore as a Child”. What do you think guys? I’d love to hear your suggestions.

Cardigan: Myer
Necklace: Sportgirl
Dress: Cotton On
Belt: Myer
Tights: The Gap
Shoes: City Beach


  1. This is a gorgeous color palette on you. I love the olive mixed with the roses and pinks.

  2. I love your challenges! You are just too much fun! The things mum used to wear challenge sounds awesome!

    Oh, and this outfit, totally fab.

  3. Love Fridays. What a beautiful floral dress.

  4. adorable vintage inspired outfit!!!! love the floral dress!! :D so beautiful with the tights and oxfords! :D

    Animated Confessions


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