Tuesday, November 29

Butter Wouldn't Melt

Come with me, if you will, in the magic time machine that is an iPhone camera.

What am I gabbling about? Well, this outfit is from last weekend. Or the one before (it was quite a party). And I still have photos to post from before this.

So. Time machine. Get it?

I'm also rather tricky with my post title. You know, because the dress is the colour of butter. Only it was really hot when I wore it. So butter would melt. And, in fact, I did for a good few hours. And I nearly burned right up when the air horn caught fire from the birthday candles. 

Yeah... it was quite a party.

Dress: Valley Girl
Bra: Myer
Badge: Lovisa
Ring: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: Nordstroms 

Wednesday, November 23

When John Coltrane Was God

These jeans. They're the kind I've always wanted, but never possessed.

These jeans have been to a holy place. (OK, you and I both know there's plenty of opportunity to take this to Punsville but for whatever reason, today? Today I will refrain.)

What holy place do I speak of? Why, just this little place I like to call, "The Church of John Coltrane". Why do I like to call it that? Because that's its name. Gosh. Silly question.

Now, I'm not a religious person (though I sure like their merchandise) but this was a place we just needed to go. And I'm glad we did. Because it was awesome. How could it not be?

You know what else is awesome? A dude rolling up in his car while you're standing outside said church, leaning out his window and informing you your brand new boots are, "cool". (It's true, they really are.)

Sunglasses: Cotton On
Scarves: Gift and Myer
Tops: Macy*s and Myer
Wrist stuff: Gift and Lovisa
Jeans: Macy*s
Boots: Journeys

Monday, November 21

Better With A Brick Wall

Here it is. The first in a rather limited series of "overseas outfit pictures". I mean, I got dressed every day. Certainly. But then I went and did fun things like eat and drink and look at trolls and hang out with friends and, well, everything except take pictures of what I was wearing it would seem...

But not this day, no, on this day I was showing The Man around Downtown Santa Cruz. Ah the memories. I'm standing on Pacific Ave here. Can't remember exactly where. Somewhere near Streetlight Records I believe. 

Riveting poses I know. But hey, at least I took photos!
I ordered this dress from ModCloth. It was my first purchase and I figured I'd have it shipped to the States while I was over there on account of they have free returns if it wasn't everything I'd hoped for.

But would you look at that? I love it!

Hairclip: ModCloth
Cardigan: Cotton On
Dress: ModCloth
Bag: Myer
Tights: Gift
Shoes: Children of the Revolution

Tuesday, November 15

Coming Home Feels Like Surrender

Well gang, I'm home. Did ya miss me? Shucks.

Now...to decide what to post. Do I subject you to blurry views of the Seattle Skyline? Photos of amusing street names and giant bags of candy?

Nah, let's ease back into this thing. Here's me in Santa Cruz, doing what I did a lot of while we were away.

Next post I'll share one of the rare "outfit shoots" I got while we were legging it around the USA.

Hope nothing caught fire while I was out.

Hair clip: ModCloth
Dress: ModCloth
Cardigan: Cotton On
There's more, but that's all you can see...and all I can remember

Monday, November 7

For Better Hallway Vision

You know, I got to thinking the other day. 

My sunglasses see some pretty cool stuff...

List of music to add to my iPhone 

Tricky reflection photography at the pub

Russian Circles in store appearance at Tym Guitars


More tricky reflection photography, this time at a different pub

Beer tasting notes for http://trextruffles.blogspot.com/

Back yard shenanigans